TVC Bot Documentation

TVC Bot Documentation

This bot makes it able to receive realtime information about the factorio playthrough by using chat commands. This mod is made by Timbo007up, a member of The Virtual Crew in Nilaus community.
There are several commands and some of them require more information if you want them to work.
To use the commands, type them in the stream chat and you will automatically get a respond if you haven't made a spelling error.


Who can use it
!seedReturns the current mapseed.Mods, Subs, Guests


Return the realtime evolution factor.Mods, Subs, Guests


Return a list of all mods that are currently installed inclusive the version of it.Mods, Subs, Guests


Gives a summary respond with all causes the player(s) died. Possible causes are biters, suicide, trains, other/unknown.Mods, Subs, Guests


Return the actual gametime.Mods, Subs, Guests


Return the current Attack queue. (If available)


!production <item/group> (<Time>)

Explanation see belowMods, Subs
!consumption <item/group> (<Time>)Works the same as !production but shows the consumption.Mods, Subs
!losses <item/group> (<Time>)

Works the same as !production but shows the losses.

Mods, Subs
!kills <item/group> (<Time>)Explanation see below.Mods, Subs
!cmdlistSends you PM with all the available commands for youMods, Subs, Guests

!production <item/group> (<Time>)

This command makes it able to get the production stats of a specific item(s).


The command start with “!production” with no quotes and need to be followed a factorio item with a space in between (all items are listed at bottom of the page?).

!production copper-cable

The responds will show the all-time production of copper cable.

Note: a temporal list with all items can be found here.

Time stamp:

If you want to get the production stat of a item for specific period, you need to include the time stamp you want after the factorio item. The timestamp exist out  a number and a letter, you can choose any number with a available time-indicator:  s, m, h (seconds, minutes, hours)

!production copper-cable 5m

The responds will show the amount Copper cables produced the last 5 minutes.

Note: you can ask for 2.5h but with no guarantee it will work.

Multiple requests:

After the bot has responded he goes in a 10 second cooldown in order to prevent overload of commands. If you want to know the stat of multiple items, you can ask them all at once. You need to chain desire items in a row and separate them with a space, if you want a time period you must put it at the end of the chain.

!production gun-turret assembler-2 3h

The response give the amount gun turret and assembler level 2 created for the past 3 hours.


To make your life easier we group some items together so you won’t need to call every science pack individually. 
Available groups can be found here.

!production plate 1h

The responds give the amount iron plates, copper plats and steel plates made over the last hour.


Works the same as !production but instead of the production, it display the total consumption of a item.


!consumption flamethrower-ammo

The responds will show the all-time consumption of flamethrower-ammo

!losses power gun-turret 1hThe responds will show the amount electric pole, substation and gun-turret lost in the last hour

!kills, !losses

Works the same as !production but has other items. 
List following soon.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are copyrighted material owned by Stinosko.

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