Factorio Challenge
Christian Nilaus
The Factorio Challenge will be a collaborative community event where players work together in a scenario to face a challenge.
The event will be broadcast by Nilaus on his YouTube channel: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=6mGsEfN5Ogc
Event #5: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLbxjB__iQmASrdw65GOCk88wMgPeF3L2Dmpi1fS5oPeyvEA/viewform
Please remember to join Nilaus' Discord for communication: https://discord.gg/HtFp6dP
Thursdays starting at 19:30 CEST / 2 PM EST in odd weeks
Maps and mod packs will be made available after the event has finished.
Challenge 1 - The Path is Sacred
Challenge 2 - Think before you Build
Challenge 3 - Us against the World
Challenge 4 - Train Community Death World
Organiser and caster: Nilaus
Server hosting: Primedead
Challenge design: VirTollie, SirBriGuy, Timbo007
Upcoming Broadcasts:
#5: "Where to build"
Past Broadcasts:
#1: "The Path is Sacred"
#2: "Think before you Build"
Join the Discord to discuss the challenges before, during and after the event: